

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Are Braces Painful?

Orthodontic braces are often a long process, and while they transform teeth and smiles, there is some pain and discomfort along the way.  Patients will typically feel some discomfort with a brand new set of braces and directly after a tightening.  These are both normal occurrences and you can ease the pain while getting to your perfect smile!   

With a new set of braces, the insides of cheeks and lips will rub against the brackets and wires.  The soft tissue will toughen as your mouth gets accustomed to the braces, but at first it can create sore spots.  Dental wax is a great defense against this.  Just a small piece can cover the edge of a bracket and relieve any chafing.  After a set of braces is tightened a patient will also feel some pain and soreness.  Eating soft foods right after a tightening can ease discomfort and if the pain continues, over-the-counter pain relievers like Advil and Motrin are helpful.  Small periods of discomfort after a tightening are normal, but if you experience any extreme or long-lasting discomfort you should contact us.

To learn more about orthodontic care and all the services we provide, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Gregory Ross, DDS call our Forest Lake, MN location at 651-464-6988 or our Hudson, WI location at 715-808-8379.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Bruxism and Orthodontics

Grinding your teeth may seem like it isn’t an issue, but it just might be. Also known as bruxism, teeth clenching and grinding can lead to broken teeth, damaged tooth enamel, and frequent headaches. It’s common that those who are suffering from bruxism may not even be aware of it. If you have bruxism and haven’t received orthodontic treatment, braces may help treat the problem. Dr. Gregory Ross, DDS has plenty of options for patients to choose from.

If you’ve caught yourself in the act of grinding your teeth, consider discussing orthodontic options with Dr. Gregory Ross, DDS. Invisalign not only straightens teeth, but the clear aligners can help protect teeth from becoming worn down during use. If you already have braces and still find yourself experiencing jaw discomfort due to clenching, talk to us so we can help you find relief.

If you experience facial pain or other symptoms of bruxism, please give us a call to discuss treatment options. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Gregory Ross, DDS call our Forest Lake, MN location at 651-464-6988 or our Hudson, WI location at 715-808-8379.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Consequences of Thumb Sucking

At Ross Orthodontics, we often see children whose parents and primary dentist are concerned about how their teeth are coming in. One of the most frequent problems is an open bite, in which the incisors are pushed outward. This problem can be genetic but is usually caused by thumb sucking.

Many parents may be alarmed to hear this since thumb sucking is such a common behavior. Before the age of five, there is not much to worry about. Very young children’s facial bones have not completely solidified and can bounce back from suction. But once the permanent teeth start coming in, thumb sucking (or sucking on anything else) can permanently push the teeth forward.

Efforts to break the habit work best when the child feels included in solving the problem. However, thumb sucking is sometimes done as a way of relieving chronic stress. In these cases, even if the child does abandon thumb sucking, they may take to thrusting their tongue against their incisors instead, which has the same result. It may be necessary to consult with a child psychologist about fixing this problem. In the meantime, there are orthodontic devices which can discourage pushing the tongue forward.

To learn more about Ross Orthodontics, visit Offices are located in Forest Lake, Minnesota and Hudson, Wisconsin.


Friday, October 6, 2017

How Long Will I Have to Wear a Retainer?

Treatment at Ross Orthodontics is meant to ensure a lifetime of healthy teeth for our patients, but teeth require constant maintenance. Once a patient’s teeth have been guided into place, they will probably need to wear a retainer.

Exactly how long or often a retainer is needed varies a lot by individual. Typically, gap teeth require the longest use of retainers, but almost everybody needs to wear a retainer for nearly twenty-four hours a day during the first few weeks after their braces are removed. Most people need to wear them for twenty-four hours a day for a year (except when eating or playing sports), and people often need to wear them in their sleep for a period as long as they were undergoing orthodontics. Ultimately, while few people need to wear a retainer for the rest of their lives, everyone who has undergone orthodontics should have a well-fitted retainer which they wear sometimes. Retainers should be snug, but if you are unsure whether yours is a good fit, bring it to us.

To learn more about Ross Orthodontics, visit Offices are located in Forest Lake, Minnesota and Hudson, Wisconsin.


Water Flossing With Orthodontics

A little floss goes a long way when it comes to oral health. Flossing is an important step to remove food particles that have been left behi...